
Dean Toddi Steelman on Advancing Anti-racism at the Nicholas School

Newly Discovered Wasp Species Named to Honor Duke Conservation Scientist Stuart Pimm


Monitoring Environmental Exposures in Dogs Could be Early Warning System for Human Health

Gold Mining With Mercury Poses Health Threats for Miles Downstream

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New Models Show How Species Will be Relocated by Climate Change
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As Earth Day hits the Big 5-0, we look back at the environmental progress we've made over the last half-century and the challenges that remain, and ask: Where do we go from here? And how on Earth are we going to get there?"
The Spring 2024 issue of Duke Environment Magazine is now available exclusively online.
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You’ll find Nicholas School alums pursuing their passion and making positive impacts worldwide. Our programs give them the foundational knowledge and practical skills to become leaders and innovators in a wide array of fields and sectors. See all alumni profiles

MEM '91

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MEM '02


T'12, B.S., Environmental Science & Earth and Ocean Sciences